Sunday, January 17, 2010

Graven Image ♥

I've been wanting to talk about the first week of Idol since the first episode aired on Wednesday evening! Unfortunately had a lot of work, too much was going on in my head. Still on the go! You know how it is when you have to postpone the excitement of wanting to tell. Trying to remember the contestants I saw & wanted to talk about. Grrr, memory loss.

Andrew Fenlon's one I couldn't forget. Despite walking in with a cocky air & pulling out the douche of an attitude, I thought he had one of the best voices of the first two episodes. Definitely heard a little John Mayer in those vocals, which makes it extra extra hott ;) As vexatious as he was, I somehow find him bizarrely attractive.

I totally get where Kara was coming from, coz it's understandable that the judges have been there the whole day facing the variety of human beings, up to the last person. And that person comes in & drops a MASSIVE attitude bomb. But am I the only one who found that spanking comment she made, erotically hilarious? Haha, Kara said "You need a spanking, very naughty", something like that. WTF? Hahahaha. I mean, I know what she meant, but the way she said it. Freakin' funny.

I especially liked Fenlon's exit, when he said "See you later Ladies", and walked out with his psycho smile. HAHA. I really hope he gives it another shot in another city. And maybe suck it up & actually wait patiently this time. His voice is worth voting for.

I thought Victoria Beckham was SUPER hott on the show. LOVE both her looks on the 2 days she judged. I don't get the harsh comments she's been getting on her participation. I don't think she was bad at all. It's not like she let sucky singers through to Hollywood. She was a rather spicy addition along the Idol journey :)

Lets see, who else was good. Justin Williams was okay. The guy who survived cancer. A lot of people seem to really like him. The country girl, Vanessa Woolf, she's something different. Reminds me of Jael on ANTM, haha. Curious to see how she does in Hollywood. I can't seem to remember anyone that stood out vocal-wise. I don't know, they might be better in Hollywood, but none really caught my ear yet. In terms of personality, I did like that nice guy who told Simon to shut up, can't remember his name but adorable much! The Miss Congeniality. Oh, and the church singer seems to possess potential, very soulful.

Every time Simon says, "I have a weird feeling that song's gonna be a hit", it does! Haha, pants on the ground! My sisters & I seriously couldn't stop repeating it after the audition. I like how Mary J Blige couldn't hold back from laughing at certain contestants. Reminds me of how I hold back during no-laughing matter situations. It's obdurate! :D

Speaking of Idol, have you seen Adam Lambert's new video for his song
'Whatya Want From Me'? Sexy as hell.

Found this video thanks to Erra. "He makes the best videos!", she says. AGREED!
Love the song, love the video.Watched it repeatedly. Unquestionably noteworthy :)

With Lambert love, you look like a fool with your pants on the ground!
Till then


Z. said...

omg!i like tht andrew guy too despite of his cocky attitude..the voice isnt tht bad at all..u knw..he kinda look like that new superman guy..

me said...

Haha I know right! With his thick black framed glasses & the hair. Hahaha, sucha waste if he doesn't try out again!

Cikgu Khairul Arif said...

simon is the besh of all.!!

walk here nuff zzzzz

Lee | Money4invest said...

I know the name of nice guy who told Simon to shut up. His name is Joshua.

Fara Na-q said...

Qila, mane ur FB?

Wanie Harun said...

Haha Qila, i pon suke that pants on the ground. Pak cik tu lawak giler! I gelak mcm nak mati ok. Tgk Mary J pon mcm terseksa giler jgk nak tahan gelak! Adam lambert is so hawt as usual. Its a shame that he's gay. If he ask me whatya want from me, i akan ckp i want u to be straight!

me said...

Haha Wanie! Yeahh, that's what I told Tiqah. If he asks Whatya Want From Me, I'll say at least be Bi, hahahahah. I'd be so so happy:)

Anyway, I got ur msg smalam, haha funny giler, my dad mmg slalu mcm tu.