Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rock The Posts Day 8 : Crap Much?

Sent Dadsterz to the airport yesterday.
You know how rides to KLIA can be pretty long & numb right.
Had Tiqah & Farah in the car, so it wasn't that bad.

Coz they crap a lot. I crap a lot. We crap LOADS together. It's all good :)

I can't remember what we were all yappin' about. But then,

Tiqah Me Farah
Qila, don't you think it's weird that you're already 22? Hahaha
NOO, coz I'm actually 16. *serious* At heart :)
Hahaha ha'ahh kan, Qila is so macam budak skolah!
Tau takpe. Dah la selalu kene hantar her to kelas la & all.
Yeahh la, my 'kakak' 19 tahun always sends me to class. Ngehehehe. I'm like Jack (the Robin Williams movie, look it up), but instead of aging 4 times my real age, I skip 6 years. Hahahaaa.
Hahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha
Then for your prom you ajak Encik Shahrom as your date, coz all the other guys don't look your age.
WTF!? Encik Shahrom?! HAhahaha, bongok!

Conversation & story makin' continued for god knows how long.
We have this habit of pro-longing a simple joke or story with additions of fictional stuff.
It stops when everyone's tired of laughing.
So yeah, crappers they..I mean WE are. Crappers we are :)
Till then


AkuAyie said...

lol..i crap alot with my sibz too.. it's nature. :P

Wanie Harun said...

haha, mende la encik Shahrom plak jadi mangse??? ambik la Encik ber tali leher pelangi.... sape lagi kalau bukan encik mustafa! ;p

FarahRAF. said...

Ke Encik Mustapha ke ? HAHAHHA :P