Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rock The Posts Day 7 : Blood & Superman

My head's kinda all over the place right now, with the pile of new fresh-from-the-oven thoughts added to the tray of to-think-abouts yesterday. So, I apologize if the posts don't come exactly on the day it's suppose to :) But no worries, I'm trying my best to make sure I post em at least the day after.

Had guitar yesterday evening. We're moving up to harder notes & chords. But it's fun :) I'm really glad I chose something I like, instead of just taking something because my friends are taking it. Eventhough sometimes I have to go alone, I'm kinda enjoying the 'alone time'. Not that it's bad when friends are around, it's just that I don't hold back as much. Get what I mean?

Well, aside from that & the assignments I got, there was nothing much. So, I'm thinking, lets share some pictures :)

Tiqah's room in Perak. Yup, apparently she's a sucker for action heroes, specifically Superman, to the extent where she almost bought Superman undies. And the only reason she didn't was coz they were kids' undies. DC Comics exhibition much? LOL :)

Charlaine Harris' True Blood book set. Currently one of the top rankings on my wishlist. Ngeeheehee :) Sucks that books in Malaysia are expensive. Well, people have their own definition of expensive. Buying a 30ringgit book might be a piece of cake for some, definitely NOT for me.

Speaking of True Blood, I know I've already twittered this, but woots! They're actually selling True Blood beverages, for real. Well, for those who don't read or watch the series, in the story, they sell human blood (which they call true blood) in bottles exactly like the ones in the pic in bars for vampires. And they have a choice of B-negatvive or O-positive, etc. whichever goes for the vamps. In this case, the drink looks exactly thick & red like blood, but it's actually orange flavoured carbonated drinks. Yumm. But like Aimee said, it's bloody expensive. Hahaa.

Day 8's post coming up later tonight, insyaAllah :)

Till then

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